Discussion Title: Which courses should belong in US K-12 schools? 1. The courses are best for school are pros, and the ones that shouldn't be there are cons. 1.1. Con: Social studies in every year \(instead just 1 course of each: world history, national history, state history, government, microeconomics\). 1.2. Pro: Health \(like wellness\), safety, survival 1.3. Pro: Linguistics 1.4. Pro: Environmental science 1.5. Pro: Athletic skills with multiple categories or levels - like dance, martial arts, sports, etc. 1.6. Pro: Infrastructure \(including information\) 1.6.1. Pro: Design 1.7. Pro: Botany 1.8. Pro: Cosmology 1.8.1. Con: Not greatly applicable to living on Earth and dealing with the issues here. 1.9. Pro: Art 1.10. Pro: Technology/Engineering 1.10.1. Pro: Emerging technologies 1.10.2. Pro: Computers - about \(like history/future, networking\), coding, programming, typing 1.10.3. Pro: Informatics 1.10.4. Pro: Circuits Pro: Learning about electronics helps one keep up with the pace of technology. Pro: There is a lot of opportunity for careers if one keeps up with learning about circuits, as it's one that'll likely stick around through the singularity. Pro: Technology changes too rapidly for any one person to keep up with. So learning at a young age gives people a chance to think about and keep up with its pace as best as possible. Pro: Merging with machines is a possibility in the future and to be in control of one's body is to know what will be put in it. Pro: Technology is becoming more prominent in life, so it's good to understand it at a young age, when technology's introduced to them. Pro: Circuits are unsafe and too many kids get exposed to electrical hazards at a young age without understanding what to avoid. A course can help. Pro: Too much infrastructure is built too poorly and having an educated nation prevents further issues. Pro: Technology in some aspects isn't moving fast enough and so learning about circuits will drive technological progress forward faster. 1.11. Pro: Personal life skills 1.11.1. Pro: -> See discussion #7871: Life skills should be taught in school. 1.11.2. Pro: Values 1.11.3. Pro: Personal finance 1.11.4. Pro: Home economics 1.12. Con: Only English criticism/grammar 1.12.1. Pro: If instead, we taught literary relevance, where students see how a book impacted our lives up to now and made us who we are, how it relates to modern times \(compared to how it impacted those when it was written\), and how we can apply it to the world and our lives would hold greater significance than just trying to find out what's written and how well to write. 1.12.2. Pro: Teaching writing styles \(including technical writing and online - like building blogs/websites\) and asking what in the world would motivate students to write their own work, like others have had \(like reflect on classic books and their motivators\) in the past. These would get people started on writing based on what's around them, which is a great skill for when prompted to write about something in a career. 1.13. Con: Macroeconomics 1.13.1. Pro: Microeconomics is more usable and applicable to everyday life. 1.14. Con: Classical mechanics \(physics\). 1.14.1. Pro: Teaching quantum mechanics instead or first would be better. Pro: It would help with understanding the large-scale of classical mechanics, as its a manifestation of the small scale. Pro: Seeing how students get confused easily by physics already, anything that can improve this situation is great. Pro: Classical mechanics, for the most part, is not evolving in the world of physics. Quantum mechanics gives students a chance of later transferring their skills into post-grad opportunities. Con: The fact that classical mechanics doesn't change, makes it easier to learn \(by establishing itself as a basis/foundation of knowledge\) and talk about with others \(as the learning's the same/standard for everyone\). 1.15. Pro: Logic - philosophy 1.15.1. Pro: It's very applicable and helps with deconstructing structures of what is said to build based on understanding the structure. 1.15.2. Pro: It's highly applicable to other fields, like math and circuits. So it helps people connect their learning of various subjects that are seemingly unrelated to help with better retention and understanding of what's taught. 1.16. Pro: Physical anthropology 1.16.1. Pro: People have misconceptions and know very little about how humans came to exist on the planet. This subject could dispel some of them. 1.16.2. Pro: Schools teach political history, while skipping most of human history. So it should be the other way around. 1.16.3. Pro: With so many advancements happening now \(in anthropology, epigenetics, genomics, ancestry, etc.\) and in the future \(like transhumanism and robotics\), not teaching could lead to ethical issues \(like humans falling behind automatons, [conflicts in the applications of these technologies](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/12/30/business/china-scientist-genetic-baby-prison.html), etc.\).