Discussion Title: Should people rely on money to survive? 1. People should rely on money to survive. 1.1. Con: Money can't buy everything, so it's better to try to attain those needs without money than to work really hard at acquiring it only to find out the unrealistic purchase expectation can't happen. 1.1.1. Con: Money buys clean water, food, shelter, heat in winter, cool in summer, transportation pretty much all the things that keep one healthy and alive. 1.2. Con: People can't take money with them when they die. Thus, more time should be spent living life than being preoccupied with money, only to never use it. 1.2.1. Con: No person knows when they will die and most live thinking they have a lot of time and hence they have an incentive to save for old age as well as for any other potential expenses. Pro: People save money early on as earning money after retirement is very difficult. Pro: Old age also brings with it many medical implications that people need to be able to afford to pay for. 1.2.2. Pro: People save money in anticipation of raining days. Pro: A family member can develop a health issue which requires financial support. Pro: A person could have a car accident or breakdown and they could need urgent liquidity. Pro: Severe weather could flood a person's basement or crack their pipes resulting in need for urgent finances. 1.2.3. Con: Money is passed down as [inheritance](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/i/inheritance.asp) to loved ones. Therefore, accumulating money has value even after you die. Pro: Even though the deceased person won't personally use their money, some part of them will. This would be their children, who they have raised and who carry their genetics and will inherit money to continue to use it. These children will use their money. So money will be needed to continue the survival of someone, just in a different way. 1.3. Pro: Money allows tasks to be done that normally would not move forward without money. 1.3.1. Pro: [Money](https://www.metrolyrics.com/money-lyrics-cabaret.html), not love makes the world go around. Money is a most useful commodity with which to pay the bills. 1.3.2. Pro: Money takes worries/stresses off, so moves a person through life quicker without them. 1.4. Pro: Countries need money in order to trade with other countries for imports. 1.4.1. Pro: Trading is important for countries to operate. Pro: [Trade](https://www.economicsonline.co.uk/Global_economics/Why_do_countries_trade.html) is the exploitation of a country’s comparative advantage, which means that trade encourages a country to specialise in producing only those goods and services which it can produce more effectively and efficiently, and at the lowest opportunity cost. Pro: [Trade](http://vhttps://www.economicsonline.co.uk/Global_economics/Why_do_countries_trade.html) increases competition and lowers world prices, which provides benefits to consumers by raising the purchasing power of their own income, and leads a rise in consumer surplus. 1.4.2. Pro: Many countries in the world [import food](https://www.indexmundi.com/blog/index.php/2013/02/19/food-exports-and-imports-worldwide/) in exchange for money. Pro: [Every one in six people](https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/the-countries-importing-the-most-food-in-the-world.html) in the word rely on imports to feed them today. Pro: The [United States](https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/the-countries-importing-the-most-food-in-the-world.html), being one of the world’s largest economies, imports a total of $133 billion USD worth of food and food products. Con: Importing a high amount of food does not necessarily mean that a country is [food insecure](https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/the-countries-importing-the-most-food-in-the-world.html). Pro: Many of the [world's largest food importing countries](https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/the-countries-importing-the-most-food-in-the-world.html) happen to be among the world's wealthiest too. Con: [Majority of the countries](https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/the-countries-importing-the-most-food-in-the-world.html) importing the most food in the world have the potential to become completely food sufficient if they choose to do so. 1.4.3. Con: Even if the goods are produced locally, it still requires money to produce them. So people need money for goods, no matter the source. 1.5. Pro: People need money to survive. 1.5.1. Pro: People use money to afford basic necessities such as food, shelter etc. Pro: One of the [leading sources of hunger](https://www.thp.org/issues/poverty/), through out the world, is poverty. Con: If people become more educated on the food around them \(like scavenging/[foraging](http://www.eattheweeds.com/), [not wasting](https://www.epa.gov/recycle/reducing-wasted-food-home), or growing it themselves\), then they can likely be fed without monetary worries. Con: In an ideal world, the state would provide people with basic necessities so that people do not have to earn them. Pro: [Money is essential](https://familypromise.org/homelessness-fact-sheet/) to purchase a decent house to live in, in most parts of the world. 1.5.2. Pro: People need money to give to those who depend on them for a stable lifestyle. Pro: Money is necessary to attain a stable lifestyle for a person's children. Pro: Money is important to afford a [decent standard](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=13&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwi_ieqaturkAhXIZ1AKHW92CT0QFjAMegQIAxAC&url=https%3A%2F%2Feppi.ioe.ac.uk%2Fcms%2FLinkClick.aspx%3Ffileticket%3DgHJJiub4e00%253D%26tabid%3D3437&usg=AOvVaw10M_acYiRP_yi2pmcKL-Z0) of primary education. 1.5.3. Pro: People need money to be able to afford decent [healthcare](https://www.kevinmd.com/blog/2018/10/health-care-is-expensive-its-time-to-treat-the-cause.html) facilities. Con: If people take preventative health measures \(a.k.a. [prophylaxis](https://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/prophylaxis)\), then they wouldn't get ill as often to need healthcare facilities. 1.5.4. Con: Provision of basic necessities should be the state's responsibility and people should not have to bear the pressure of earning them. 1.5.5. Con: Many communities survive without using money. Pro: Although embracing [some of its concepts](http://money.visualcapitalist.com/infographic-the-properties-of-money/), instead of money, land and cattle are used like currency for the [Nyimang people](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nyimang_people). Con: Not every country can produce the products require to participate in trade. Con: The inequality would exist in any alternate method as well as not everyone is able to produce things needed to trade. Pro: Some communities use bartering instead, which allows them to survive without money. Pro: The [Yanomami Indians](https://books.google.com.pk/books?id=myiDDwAAQBAJ&pg=PA20&lpg=PA20&dq=The+Yanomami+Indians+live+in+the+Amazon+and+their+way+of+life+is+still+based+predominantly+on+trading+and+bartering+rather+than+physical+coinage.&source=bl&ots=OkARdQ0f4_&sig=ACfU3U0X5GkIa4GZEk7cvOjMdmWPOW8r0Q&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiO7OXIkPjkAhWxnVwKHUV8AGgQ6AEwDXoECAoQAQ#v=onepage&q=The%20Yanomami%20Indians%20live%20in%20the%20Amazon%20and%20their%20way%20of%20life%20is%20still%20based%20predominantly%20on%20trading%20and%20bartering%20rather%20than%20physical%20coinage.&f=false) live in the Amazon and their way of life is still based predominantly on trading and bartering rather than physical coinage. Pro: The people of the [Awa Tribes](https://www.survivalinternational.org/articles/3211-awa-questions) don't use a system of money at all and live completely off the land. Pro: Across the Trobriand Islands, many people participate in the [Kula Ring](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kula_ring) to barter their goods. 1.5.6. Pro: Money came about out of [necessity](https://www.thoughtco.com/history-of-money-1992150), not want. 1.6. Con: A lot of what used to cost money is now free. So people do not need to occupy their lifestyles around money to get what they want out of life like they used to. 1.6.1. Pro: This is seen with technology, where many electronics that used to cost a lot are now [free](https://www.geckoandfly.com/13143/50-things-smartphone-replaced-will-replace-future/) \(due to being included in a smartphone\). 1.6.2. Con: [Commodification](https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/opendemocracyuk/commodification-essence-of-our-time/) is [increasing globally](https://thecenterforglobalawareness.wordpress.com/2015/06/23/increased-commodification/). People now have to pay for items that were once free. Pro: In countries with polluted air, people have to [buy clean air](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/china/12051354/Chinese-buy-up-bottles-of-fresh-air-from-Canada.html). 1.7. Con: Just because someone has money, doesn't mean they know what to do with it nor make the decisions to make those happen, so people should rely on what provides those instead. 1.7.1. Pro: Having more money doesn't automatically make someone know their purpose in life all of a sudden. 1.7.2. Pro: It encourages greed. Pro: Greed often results in people compromising morality in order to attain more money. Pro: Greedy people accumulate wealth in order to stay rich and as a result keep the money out of the hands of the poor.