Discussion Title: What is Currently the Greatest Real Mystery Left to Solve? 1. What is the Greatest Real Mystery Left to Solve? 1.1. Grand Unified Theory 1.2. Documents \(books, manuscripts, etc.\) burned down with the Library of Alexandria. 1.3. How to achieve immortality 1.4. Life's existence outside of Earth 1.5. What caused the Big Bang 1.6. [Dead Sea Scrolls](http://www.deadseascrolls.org.il/) 1.6.1. Pro: [More caves](https://www.timesofisrael.com/in-the-qumran-cliffs-an-expedition-digs-up-new-dead-sea-scroll-caves/) are left to explore. 1.7. Technological singularity 1.8. What the meaning/purpose of life is 1.9. [Minoan language](https://www.thoughtco.com/linear-writing-system-of-the-minoans-171553) 1.10. There are over 500 languages that most people don't know about.