Discussion Title: Is being in a romantic relationship a necessity? 1. Being in a romantic relationship is a necessity. 1.1. Con: It is possible that romantic relationships could be necessary for some individuals and not others. 1.2. Con: People may make other people's lives worse. It's better to not have a relationship than a bad one. 1.2.1. Pro: Problems can accumulate \(from being unresolved or getting worse\) if relationships replace fixing them \(such as by being an excuse\). 1.3. Con: Romantic relationships are social construct. Which are time consuming and complicated to manage. And largely exists to be exploited for profit 1.4. Con: Non-romantic relationships can be as or more fulfilling than romantic ones. 1.4.1. Pro: With romantic relationships, one is interacting with one person at a time. With non-romantic relationships, a person can interact with multiple people at a time, which is more fulfilling than a romantic relationship. Pro: Couples tend to have [fewer friends](https://www.today.com/health/no-best-friend-youre-not-alone-out-there-1D80063340) \(at least at some point\) and are less connected with [other close people](https://blogs.psychcentral.com/single-at-heart/2014/04/do-you-have-fewer-friends-since-turning-30-look-who-else-does-too/). Spending less time with friend contributes to [loneliness](https://www.greatschools.org/gk/articles/teen-loneliness-rates-study/). 1.4.2. Pro: Non-romantic relationships may support one's quality of life better by allowing space for independence and productivity. Con: Independence and productivity are not qualities exclusive to non-romantic relationships. Individuals can maintain these while being committed to another. Pro: If two people communicate their need for a level of independence to each other, they can come to an agreement that satisfies them both and their relationship. Pro: Maintaining separate hobbies and interests can help couples have a sense of independence and productivity. Con: Healthy relationships allow for independence and space. [Needy, unhealthy relationships](https://theartofcharm.com/confidence/5-signs-needy-affecting-life/) are overbearing and can challenge one's quality of life. 1.5. Pro: They fulfill some fundamental human need. 1.5.1. Pro: Since evolution can't change with rapid-environmental changes easily, recent trends towards individualism \(societal, technological, etc.\) will not prevent humans from biologically avoiding social isolation. Con: Community relationships mirroring those of hunter-gatherer communities don't require an individual to have a romantic relationship. Pro: Humans are sexual and social animals. Romantic relationships facilitate intimacy and reproduction which are essential to the success of the species. Pro: Love is a basic to health and well-being of humans. 1.5.2. Pro: Romantic relationships fulfill the intimacy \(and other needs, like personal security\) part of [Maslow's hierarchy of needs](https://www.thoughtco.com/thmb/NOQGnIm-cyu7HJMsvWjwCIElM3E=/4911x3472/filters:fill%28auto,1%29/maslow-s-hierarchy-of-needs--scalable-vector-illustration-655400474-5c6a47f246e0fb000165cb0a.jpg). 1.6. Pro: They keep the fabric of society together. 1.6.1. Con: Communities and societies can be based on non-romantic relationships, such as friendships, family bonds, status relationships, etc. 1.6.2. Pro: Romantic relationships help children thrive better than alternates \([divorce](https://www.fatherly.com/health-science/divorced-parents-versus-married-parents/https://www.marriage.com/blog/relationship/psychological-effects-of-divorce-on-children/), [single parents](https://www.everydayhealth.com/kids-health/what-are-effects-on-children-single-parents/), etc.\) do. This could lead to more successful future generations as a whole. 1.6.3. Pro: Romantic relationships can benefit society economically. Con: The costs of raising children can be shared by communities; they do not have to be shouldered by one or two parents. This is simply the situation we live in now. Pro: Romantic relationships can lead to marriage. A decline in two-parent married families [results](https://www.forbes.com/sites/aparnamathur/2015/10/30/the-family-foundations-of-economic-growth/#6f30cc082a9b) in higher income inequality. 1.7. Pro: They give people hope and support in times of need. 1.7.1. Con: Platonic relationships also provide support. 1.7.2. Con: [Filling a void](http://www.orchidrecoverycenter.com/blog/10-signs-using-relationships-fill-spiritual-void/) \(spiritual, emotional, love, etc.\) in life can resolved it by other means: like finding new purpose/fulfillment, becoming occupied with something else, etc. Pro: Needing another person in one's life can be a sign of something missing. If people figure out how to fill the missing pieces of their life without needing another person, then they are not required to fulfill a person's life. Pro: -> See discussion #22324: It is better to live alone than with someone. 1.7.3. Con: People should take care of themselves without relying on others for support. Pro: Avoid dependency prevents the danger of waiting on someone else to help instead of addressing needs immediately in an emergency situation. Pro: Society and technology has specialized to the point that services \(like doctors and education\) are better than what an individual is capable of accomplishing on their own. Before, another person would be the best a person might get. Con: People who become ill or disabled cannot take care of themselves. Having a spouse help them may be the only option if they can't afford a caretaker. Con: Having your spouse or a caretaker take care of you are not the only options. A good friend, a volunteer or -depends on the country- free nursing homes are also options. Con: With the miracles of modern medicine and technology being so advanced, a child's knowledge and capabilities cannot provide the level of care that these do. Con: As technology and medical developments progress \(treating 'aging' as a disease, nanobots, etc.\), illness and disability are going to be a thing of the past. So a caretaker is not needed to treat the ill/disabled if no one gets to that condition at all that they need it. 1.8. Pro: People enjoy the feeling of being in a romantic relationship. 1.8.1. Pro: The feeling of love [releases](https://time.com/5136409/health-benefits-love/) the feel-good neurotransmitter dopamine that makes one feel happy. 1.8.2. Pro: A truly romantic love affair is one of the most marvellous experiences of a lifetime. 1.8.3. Con: Enjoyment is not necessary for life, which means enjoyment would not be a reason romantic relationships are necessary. 1.9. Pro: Being in a romantic relationship has health benefits. 1.9.1. Pro: People in loving relationships often have [fewer](https://www.webmd.com/sex-relationships/features/health-benefits#1) doctors visits. 1.9.2. Pro: People in romantic relationships have [less](https://www.webmd.com/sex-relationships/features/health-benefits#2) anxiety. 1.9.3. Con: Although a romantic relationship may provide some health benefits, a person will not necessarily be [healthy](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/08/090810161906.htm) simply from being in one. 1.10. Con: If people can manage their life on their own, then no. 1.10.1. Con: [Humans are social creatures](https://www.drjoetoday.com/humans-are-social-beings/), so managing life entirely alone is detrimental to the individual. 1.10.2. Pro: With today's modern conveniences, what used to require relationships does not anymore. Pro: People can now find sexual fulfillment with [robots](https://sextechguide.com/opinion/next-major-advance-sex-robot-tech-wont-come-from-adult-industry/). Con: Sexual fulfillment is not exclusive to romantic relationships. Pro: One does not need a relationship to get [married](https://says.com/my/fun/bizzarre-marriages-in-asia) - a pillow, video game character, dog, or landmark will suffice. Pro: Many millennials are choosing [pets](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/business/wp/2016/09/13/millennials-are-picking-pets-over-people/) over relationships. Pro: Robots and simulations like [Azuma Hikari](https://aeon.co/essays/programmed-to-love-is-a-human-robot-relationship-wrong) are taking the place of human relationships, by mimicking real human communication. Pro: Due to apps such as [Meetup](https://www.meetup.com/), people can socialize without the need for a romantic relationship. 1.10.3. Pro: -> See